
Annual (General) Meeting Season has Arrived

Emerging from winter means two things for Village Managers: all eyes are once again on the gardens, a key feature of any community; and annual meetings.

These meetings can take on different forms depending on the state under which you operate in, and the relevant legislative requirements. As a result, it is easy to see this process as being quite daunting.

It is with this in mind that we thought we’d share a few tips with you to make this process as straight forward as possible.

  1. Start planning early. This goes without saying. One of the great things about these meetings is the Agenda does not change. This allows you to plan each requirement and consult with the relevant stakeholder groups, whether it be your auditors or Residents’ Committee.
  2. Set the date, time and location. It is recommended you do this as early as possible. Annual meetings are generally well attended which is why its important to make sure you don’t clash with key activities, events, or cultural days.
  3. Prepare. Preparation does take time, so don’t just plan early, prepare early. Use the previous year’s documents as a ‘template’ and adapt them accordingly. You don’t need to recreate the wheel.
  4. Consult with your Residents’ Committee. The importance of this can’t be understated. Annual meetings are about the operator reporting back to residents on critical pieces of information. It is important then that the Committee, as representatives of the residents, have the opportunity to provide you with input into what will be presented or discussed at the meeting.
  5. Practice. Standing up in front of residents and presenting an Annual Meeting doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Don’t be afraid to practice what you intend to present. This process will ensure you are familiar with the content and key messages you want residents to take away with them.

The final tip is one that is often overlooked. Check last year’s minutes or notes. Make sure you’ve closed out any feedback items or requests residents asked of you. BUT, also make sure you let your residents know you actioned their requests, and ask them for feedback!

Looking for more information about preparing for an Annual General Meeting (AGM)? The DCM Institute provides members with access to the Knowledge Centre with learning material on AGMs, and plenty more. Click HERE for more information.

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