Are village managers rewarded for the job?
Above is one of the summary conclusions by the leading market research firm AOR, who we commissioned to survey the residents of 557 villages – yours might have been one. Nearly 20,000 residents completed it.
Like all good research, it tells you what you already know. Being a village manager is a tough job.
What we did not know was the high turnover – 50% of managers moved on in less than three years.
This means one of several things. Village managers are not enjoying the work (not supported by the research). You are not getting the support you expect from HO or the owners (this is supported by the research). This goes to variability in training. And the fact that the job is demanding and, as suggested by the researchers, underpaid for the skills, responsibility and hours.
How much do village managers earn? Most sit between $55,000 and $90,000. You will have an idea if that is just reward.
Over the coming issues, we will discuss this further and the other findings of the research. (If your village participated your organisation will have a full report – you could ask to see it. Fascinating and very beneficial.)