Village Summit 2022: The Take Aways

Regular readers of the Village Professional Newsletter would be aware Village Summit 2022 concluded in Sydney the other week. This premier event once again delivered a thought-provoking day for Village Managers and Head Office staff across the country.

We’ve now had a chance to review the feedback and reflections by delegates, which includes a satisfaction rating of 91% and an NPS for the event of +57. Further, almost 90% of delegates agreed to finding the day useful for their role, with most indicting they work at the coalface with residents on a daily basis.

In reviewing the feedback, we’ve summarised some of the key takeaways noted on the day from a selection of speakers, to share with you for our final Village Professional Newsletter for 2022.

Of the ten trillion dollars in personal wealth in Australia, more than six trillion dollars belongs to over 55s, which includes Baby Boomers – a generation of customers who are empowered, informed and expectant.
The seniors living consumer has changed. The silent generation has given way to the baby boomer as the predominant purchaser of seniors living accommodation and services.
Age doesn’t limit a person’s ability to live a fulfilled and happy life. A strong sense of purpose within a social network of likeminded people can reduce one’s risk of mortality.
In future, customers, employees and investors will be putting more pressure on businesses and organisations in general to prove that they are delivering their purpose.
As you look across the new types of accommodation available to Australian seniors, the one constant is the need for professional Village Management who can deliver on the experience residents want.

The presentations from all of the speakers from across the country are now online. You will need to enter your email address to access the presentations.


The videos will be forthcoming in the Knowledge Centre for DCM Institute participants. We will make you aware when this occurs with participants also being credited professional development points in the Knowledge Centre.

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