Employee Appreciation Day 2024

Employee Appreciation Day is 1 March 2024

If you can create a rewarding place to work, you can lay the right foundations for your workforce to be engaged and efficient, while serving as your greatest ambassadors.

Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.

Stephen R. Covey, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’

With Employee Appreciation Day just around the corner, it’s a timely reminder for Australian businesses to step up the recognition of their hard-working employees.

Employee Appreciation Day is an excellent opportunity to show your team how much you value their efforts. With recognition so closely tied to retention (and recruitment), it’s critical that you take the time to create bespoke, meaningful ways to celebrate this occasion within your unique workplace.

While Employee Appreciation Day is celebrated on one day, it’s principles should be upheld all year long. By reinforcing a positive work culture that recognises achievements, you can uplift your employees to reduce stress, increase productivity and boost motivation to help you exceed your organisational goals.

How to show appreciation on Employer Appreciation Day

Don’t forget, a little appreciation goes a long way in fostering a happy and motivated workforce. By leveraging Employee Appreciation Day in Australia, you can show your team how truly valued they are. 

88% of Australian employers are concerned about their company’s ability to retain employees in 2024.

With reasons spanning everything from competition (26%) to heavy workloads (25%), non-competitive salaries (21%) to burnout (20%), it’s clear that employees require more focus than ever before*.

Celebrations don’t have to be complicated but they do have to be meaningful. If you’re wondering where to start, consider some of our suggestions below: 

Say ‘thank you’ Sure, it sounds simple but vocal appreciation is super important. 

These two little words not only make employees feel valued, they also help to set a great example for positive reinforcement in the workplace. 

Cultivating a positive work environment helps to boost productivity and the wider employee experience. 

DCM Institute wants to say THANK YOU to all our participants who attend our Professional Development Days and Masterclasses and are committed to continuing their professional development journey with us through the use of the Knowledge Centre.

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