Providing support when residents face the big decisions in life
“We don’t know, what we don’t know.”
This perfectly sums up the way our residents might feel when trying to tackle the significant financial and life decisions that come later in life.
Here are some typical questions a resident might ask:
- Where can I get a Seniors Card?
- Can I access taxi vouchers?
- Is there a fitness class for older people nearby?
- Who do I contact for government concessions?
- What do I need to do to plan my will?
- What is MyAgedCare and what do they do?
Having the answer to all these questions is almost impossible.
But we can give our residents access to information that is accurate and appropriate.
This gives them the power to make the right decisions, at the right time for themselves.
Making this information accessible, in a format that can be easily understood, is key.
Here are some ideas:
- You might have a folder which has print outs or fact sheets about services
- A poster with some key websites or agencies dedicated to older people
- A village iPad which has links saved for easy access
- Guest speakers giving presentations or one on one appointments
- Newsletter articles on specific topics
- Seniors card info showing special offers and discounts
Here are some useful websites you can use as a starting point:
- National seniors
- My Aged Care
- Aged Care 101
- National Health Direct
- Beyond Blue
- Dementia Australia
- Cancer Council
- Seniors Card (national & state)
- Residents Associations (national & state)
- Advance Care Planning
- COTA (national & state)
- OPAN (national & state)
- Services Australia
- Scams
- Community Legal Services
- Victoria Seniors online
- NSW Seniors Rights Service
- SA Catalyst Foundation
- Qld Seniors Enquiry line
- WA Seniors Information Service
- TAS Seniors Card
- NT Seniors Card
As we’ve mentioned before, you’re not expected to have the answer to every question.
Letting our residents know where they can find the information to make their decisions is the best way to achieve a positive outcome.